5 Mar 2014

London day 9 - WB Harry Potter Studios

Hey guys! So me and Ana decided to go to WB Harry Potter Studios, and it was AWESOMEEEE!!!
I took a lot of pictures :P of course hehehehe, it was the animals month, so we saw Hedwig, Crookshanks and Misses Norris (that was actually a male xD).

Harry's room under the stairs, you can see it before the tour begins.

Hogwarts door to the Hall



 Potion's class room


Dumbledore's Office




Weasley's House:

Humbridge Office and stuff




Goblet of Fire:

Other stuff:


 Graphic Design :DD 



 Narcisa Malfoy outfit, Death Eaters and Bellatrix Lestrange

 Death Eaters mask's

So this are a few photos i took, i'm still waiting for Ana to send me other's, tomorrow i'll post more :D
 hope you liked, and if you are an Harry Potter fan, i certainly reccomend you to go to the Studios 
cause it's awesome!!!
 It's divided on 2 parts, this 1st one is about scenarios, outfits and you see more about all the Design and details for the movies, it's amaysing the details they made for all HP stuff, that you don't see in the movie. The 2nd part of the studio is more about  tecnical stuff, Special Effects, Robot's, Architecture, and it's also amazing.. and you can see the most expected thing ever... i'm not gonna tell yet what it is, i'll show you later :3 stay tunned and have a nice week*

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